Friday, August 31, 2007

garland iris

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more to come...

william baxter ("liam")

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one of the most precious memories i have with liam was a few days after he was born.
i was rocking him in his nursery and just started crying while i was looking at him.
it was then and there that i realized the depth of love that i had for my son.
i suddenly was made aware that i had a huge job ahead of me and i was overwhelmed with thankfulness for that little fellow.

liam is our firstborn and he is a fireball of energy.
he has an incredibly sensitive heart and will start crying even if i pretend to be sad or if tim chases me around the house playfully and i yell "nooooo!".
the poor little guy cannot stand for anyone to be sad or hurting.

liam has a mind of his own.
he likes for things to be "just so".
the other day he was rough housing with tim and stopped suddenly, picked a piece of rice off of tim's shirt, flicked it off his finger and went right back to playing.
we cracked up!
he gets overwhelmed easily in large groups if we are not in sight...and don't even think of leaving him in the church nursery!
on the other hand, he is adventurous and loves a thrill.
he will climb up high and jump, slide down a huge slide and swing as high as he can.

he does not like to eat and is very particular about what goes into his mouth.
smoothies *must* be pink and certain sippy cups have to have his name label on them or he will not drink out of them.
he rarely tries anything new in the food department.
this can be extremely frustrating for me because picky eaters drive me nuts.
liam challenges me to be flexible in my expectations and trust that he will eventually eat.
thank God for multi-vitamins.

liam's favorite things lately are coloring, playing with play-doh, looking at books, wearing shoes, dancing and singing the "blues clues" song, playing outside, snuggling with mama and playing "jump jump" with daddy.

it is so much fun to see his personality emerge.
we are so thankful for our sweet boy.
he continues to teach us patience and is always making us laugh out loud!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

and baby makes five!

i am humbled that God considers me a good enough mama to bless us with another child.
yes, that makes three babies in three years! the new bean will arrive just shortly after liam's 3rd birthday. wow!

were we shocked? yes!
were we planning on another baby so soon? no!
are we thrilled? yes! (after i had a few days to adjust to the idea!)

here comes the minivan folks!
we're currently saving up and hope to get one by the end of my second trimester.
ah the visions of double sliding doors and high seating arrangements are dancing through my mind!
i swore i would never drive a minivan, but i've always wanted lots of kids...hmm. somehow that doesn't add up.
well, i've seen the light and am running towards it wildly!